Friday, October 4, 2013

The Path of Least Resistance, Are You Paying Attention to Your Intention?

Food for Thought from Mike Schwarzer’s Pearls of Wisdom, October 2013
Energy Flows where Attention Goes as Directed by Intention!

Think of an undertaking or a task that you have worked on, one that came very easily to you? Something that you were totally focussed on and fully immersed in while following through from the beginning to the end? It might have been planning a trip, writing a report, solving a problem, delivering a presentation, renovating your house, mowing the lawn, writing an article or a book, etc. With clarity and the end goal in mind, all the steps and activities required to accomplish the task fell into place. And just like magic before you knew it, the task was completed, seemingly without much effort! In addition to this you probably felt fully alive with energy to burn. In this scenario you are fully present to what you are doing and the task at hand, in a state of flow or in the zone as athletes would call it.

Now think of an undertaking that hasn’t come easily to you? One that is important to you or unimportant. But one that needs to be done. Perhaps one that you haven’t finished yet or not even started? One that seemed to take forever or one that you kept avoiding? Your focus and attention was anywhere but on the task ahead of you. Taking your eyes of the main goal, you were thinking of all the things you needed to do to accomplish the task. And in your mind you saw these things as major events that were in the way and that were clouding your view. Or perhaps you couldn’t think of the things you needed to do. As a result you probably found all sorts of excuses and unrelated activities to do such as making another cup of coffee, ringing a friend, watching an ‘important’ TV program, spending time on a project of lesser importance but one that was easier to deal with, etc. You probably ended up feeling stressed, drained and even burned out. In this scenario you were not present to what you were doing but in your head over-thinking with your thoughts going all over the place.

Reflecting on these two scenarios, which one did you enjoy more? Which one came more easily to you? Which one felt more fulfilling? In which one did you feel more accomplished? Which one added to your quality of life?

Is that something you want?

If you could achieve your daily and major tasks with greater clarity, ease and energy, especially the ones that are not coming easy to you … is that something you want? If you could have that more often, how would that impact on your life, your work and the people around you? Is that something you want?

So what makes the difference between the first and the second scenario?

The difference is in your INTENTION, that what is of your highest importance! As the quote above says “Energy Flows where Attention Goes as Directed by Intention”! The actions that you take and the things you pay attention to in anything that you do are always aligned to your highest intention or purpose! Now I am not talking about something flaky or meta-physical here but something much more tangible although something that is not necessarily running in your consciousness awareness. It’s a higher level thought or thoughts of meaning about the events in your life that run in the back of your mind.

Thought leveraged with Meaningfulness and Importance

If those thoughts are leveraged with meaningfulness and importance and that are supportive to the events that you are engaged in than all the steps and activities that you take, the things that you pay ATTENTION to, seem to magically align themselves in a way that they move you ‘effortlessly’ towards your goal.

For example, say your goal is to lose weight. Why would that be important to someone you may ask? Good question! At the surface the person might like to feel and look better. Now would you agree that a lot of people would like that, not just the overweight ones? However, is that thought alone enough for most people to do what it takes? Probably not! So what would cause a person to make a strong commitment to lose weight, cut out all the yummy fattening foods that they love to indulge in, stop drinking alcohol, exercise rigorously and regularly, count and limit their calorie intake, etc? What would be a stronger WHY for a person to commit and follow through? What else might be in the back of their mind that would be an even stronger motive than to just feel and look good? The answer might be to have more energy, to feel more alive, feel healthier and fitter. And what would be even more important than that? To be able to sustain physical activities with their children, be more attractive to the opposite sex. To be more valued by other people such as colleagues, friends and clients and to achieve more in life! And how might achieving more in life be meaningful to them?  The answer might be that by achieving more they can make a bigger difference to their loved ones, their friends and their community! And how might they be feeling about that? By making a bigger difference they feel a stronger sense of self and worthiness.

Now this way of thinking, what the person holds to be true about their life, might be going on in a movie form in the back of the person’s mind with images, sounds and feelings. And whatever is going on in that movie acts as an attractor through which we filter what we pay attention to and what not. What we discount and what we count. With the above intention the person is very likely to be drawn towards steps and activities that are aligned and supportive of losing weight such as exercising even when they don’t feel like it. Pick healthy foods and limit or eliminate unhealthy ones. Etc.

On the flip side, if those thoughts are leveraged with lesser meaningfulness and importance and that are not supportive of the events that we are engaged in than all the steps and activities that we take tend to move us away from achieving our goal.

Using the example of losing weight again, what would a person’s highest intention be that is not following through? What do they might hold to be true? Feeling and looking good involves effort! What does effort mean to them? Effort is hard and requires will power! What do they think about will power? Will power rarely works! So why even bother? It’s just too hard and painful! And what do they think about things that are painful?  They need to be avoided! … Do I need to go on?

Again, these are thoughts and meanings going on in a movie form. Imagine in the back of your mind the image of things that are too hard and painful and the steps you take to avoid them?

So with that kind of a movie running in the back of a person’s mind that wants to lose weight, what kind of activities would they might be drawn too? And would that help them to move towards or away from their goal?

The Path of Least Resistance

We are creatures of habit. We walk the path of least resistance in accordance to our map of the world because it feels real and natural as it is embodied in our neurology and outside of our conscious awareness. Within that map is always a highest intention that we serve with our attention, our actions and our behaviours. What we have embodied is our default, our path of least resistance. We cannot not go there unless we are aware of it and unless we are changing it.

The question is do you like the results that you are getting from your highest intention? Does it serve you in the way that you want it to? And these questions apply to individuals as well as organisations!

Where do you want your energy to flow and how do you make the change stick?

To make change stick, be clear on what you want and your highest intention that supports it. Intention is about meaning and that resides in your mind. To realise those meanings into performance, your ability to do, you have to transfer them into your body, your neurology. Once you have it in your neurology it becomes your normal way of operating.

If you want to learn more about how you and your business operate with greater clarity, ease and energy and turning meaning into performance then contact Mike at or check out the details for our Self-Leadership – Accessing Personal Genius / Coaching Genius training at

to your highest intention, learning and growth


About Mike Schwarzer

Mike is a Performance Strategist & Modeler and an Internationally Certified Trainer in Neuro-Semantic NLP with the International Society of Neuro-Sematics ISNS. The ISNS is a global NLP community, operating in over 40 countries, dedicated to helping people actualise excellence by transforming Meaning into Performance. He is also a leadership team member of the Institute of Neuro-Semantics Australia the Australian branch of ISNS.
An experienced facilitator and coach, with an ability to connect and align people and organisations, he helps them to fine tune their performance wizardry to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go!

For more information about Mike visit and

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thriving or diving in tough and uncertain times … this business tripled after the bust and 9/11 … how?

Food for Thought from Mike Schwarzer’s Pearls of Wisdom, September 2013

What is Your Attitude to Crisis … Mental Hibernation and Chicken Little or Higher Ground View?
Isn’t it interesting how in times of uncertainty and economic downturn many organisations stick their heads in the sand and disconnect. Drawn into the scarcity mentality of the day they go into mental hibernation, where people become paralysed and hide in a cage. Or they turn into Chicken Little, where people run around like mad chooks with the mindset of cut this and cut that … cut, cut, cut and they cut people too … the numbers that is!
This creates a climate that breeds fear, mistrust, ignorance and resentment. Pessimism creeps in that discourages staff engagement and stifles creativity. This leads to low staff morale and low productivity. Overall a pretty toxic and costly exercise! Nobody wins.
These types of businesses have the energy of a dead fish, lifeless! Think about the people that you know that have low emotional energy … they become energy suckers. How do you like being around them? Ever felt drained after spending a period of time with one? If your business runs on low emotional energy, how do you think that projects to the world and your customers around you? Do they feel compelled to stay away from you?
Higher Ground View
And then there are some organisations that take the View from a Higher Ground, the ones that look to the future. In addition to keeping an eye on the fundamentals of the business, they have a vision and they are forward thinking. They pay attention to where they are and focus on where they want to go. They create a climate of optimism in which people count and encouraged to participate. These organisations have resilience, high staff morale and a collective mindset that stimulates creativity and innovation. They are performing at peak!
These types of businesses have a buzzing energy that is infectious, they are full of life! Ever been around someone that has a vibrant emotional energy? Did you feel charged up afterwards? If your business runs on high emotional energy, how does that project to the world and your customers around you? Do they feel drawn to you?
How does this work?
How Chip Conley TRIPLED his business after the crash and 9/11.
After 15 years of rising to the pinnacle of the hospitality industry, Chip Conley, the founder of Joie de Vivre, the world’s second largest hotel boutique chain, found his business undercapitalised and overexposed after the crash and 9/11. Facing the prospects of losing his company he turned his attention to the intangible factors of the business … the higher level needs of his employees and customers. What is their inspiration and sense of meaning that brings them to work and what is our customers’ emotional connection? And how can we as a business address those higher level needs?
How did he do it?
He began by asking questions … do our people understand our mission? Do they believe in that mission? Can they influence it? Do they feel that their work has an impact on it? He also asked his customers, what is their emotional connection with us in seven different kind of ways?
Customer Loyalty Skyrocketed
As he kept asking those questions that were pointing at the higher needs levels of his people and customers, he found Joie de Vivre’s customer loyalty skyrocketed, employee turnover dropped to one third of the industry standard and during the bust the company tripled in size.
For more on Chip Conley’s see his talk Measuring what makes life worthwhile 

Is that something you want?

The world loves energy!
In an energy poor world, high energy counts, especially during times of uncertainty, economic downturn and crisis where people’s emotional energy is poor. People are drawn to good energy. Your customers are drawn to good energy. What energy are you generating as individuals and organisations? Are you customers drawn to you or repelled by you?
Which one do you want?
How do you generate a vibrant and dynamic energy in your business that attracts business in uncertain times?
Firstly, do you want it or not? Do you want to be an organisation that operates from a Higher Ground like the Chip Conley’s of the world? If not, than this is not for you!
Secondly, it’s an inside out game! And it starts with your intention! What environment and condition do you need to create where vibrant energy can occur? How will you show up as an organisation? What will you bring to make that happen? How will you pay attention to your own, your people’s and your customer’s higher level needs of meaning? How will you address them? And how will you measure them? What beliefs and values will you establish that support your journey?
“Managers focus on finding great answers, while leaders focus on imagining great questions” Peter Drucker
Thirdly, you have to keep asking great question or yourself and others. Great questions open the mind and unleash creativity and potential. Point the focus of your questions towards people’s higher needs level, that is where meaning and purpose resides!
Lastly, you have to work it. It all starts as an idea, a concept and unless you work that concept and bring into your mental and organisational muscle it will be just that … and idea and concept.
Mental Hibernation, Chicken Little or Higher Ground View … which one serves you best?
If you want to learn more about how you can generate a vibrant energy in your business and connect with your people’s and your customer’s higher level needs then contact Mike at or check out the details for our Self-Leadership – Accessing Personal Genius / Coaching Genius training at
to your highest learning and growth

About Mike Schwarzer

Mike is a Performance Strategist & Modeler and an Internationally Certified Trainer in Neuro-Semantic NLP with the International Society of Neuro-Sematics ISNS. The ISNS is a global NLP community, operating in over 40 countries, dedicated to helping people actualise excellence by transforming Meaning into Performance. He is also a leadership team member of the Institute of Neuro-Semantics Australia the Australian branch of ISNS.
An experienced facilitator and coach, with an ability to connect and align people and organisations, he helps them to fine tune their performance wizardry to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go!

For more information about Mike visit and

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Does how you see and experience the world serve you?

Food for Thought from Mike Schwarzer’s Pearls of Wisdom, September 2013

Are you a person who wants more from life and to get the best out of yourself? Are you a leader or a manager in an organisation who needs to get the best out of people and deliver results in a demanding market place? Are you part of an organisation that has to solve complex problems and that wants to stay ahead in difficult and unpredictable times? Are you a coach, a trainer, an educator, etc who wants superior communication and coaching skills to engage and to make a bigger difference in your clients' lives?  Are you someone who wants harmonious and fulfilling relationships with your loved ones, friends, colleagues, children and others? Are you someone who wants to maintain your sanity in a changing and challenging world?

Then read on ... and look out for the little experience taster :)

"You don't see and experience the world as it is. You see the world as you are!" Jamie Smart 

Who hasn't experienced moments when you felt that the world was to blame for all your worries and feeling sorry for yourself with an energy that was repelling. You seemed to be at war with yourself and your external world. And in this scenario didn’t the world and the people around you look just the way you felt? You disliked the world and the world disliked you. People didn’t particularly want to be around you and it seemed that they were the cause to all of your problems. You’ve got little collaboration and got not much done! At the end of the day you’ve felt exhausted and burned out.

On the flip side you may also have experienced the opposite. Moments when you felt on top of the world, full of joy, enthusiasm and highly motivated with an energy that was infectious? And funny enough, the world and the people around you looked beautiful. There seemed to be a harmony between you and your external world. You liked the world and the world liked you. It was easy to get on with people and they seemingly were eating out of the palm of your hands. Solutions to problems just appeared. Your creative juices were flowing with new ideas and insights. Time was flying while you were engrossed in activities that would normally be a drag. At the end of the day you felt alive with energy to burn and a strong sense of wellbeing.

How do you see and experience your world? Which one do you prefer? Would you like to be able to spend more time in those moments of joy, enthusiasm and high energy? Being on top of your game? Being in the now? Having clarity and presence of mind?

What difference would that make to your life and your work? What difference would it make to the performance and sustainability of your organisation?

With your permission, think of an area in your life that gives you a little grieve, that holds you back, where you come up a little short and where you feel at the mercy of your circumstances. This might be in your personal life, the lack of living purposefully and fulfilled or the relationships with your loved ones or your friends that you may not see eye to eye with. It might be a goal that you have that seems too difficult to reach, that book you want to write, that career change you want to make, that weight you want to lose and that fitness you want to gain. It might be life’s pressures that get to you. It might be the stress that you have with annoying co-workers, non-performing staff or demanding managers that give you a hard time. It might be pressure to keep up with the ever changing working world that seems to become more ambiguous, complex and unpredictable and the increasing customer demands that come with it!

Whatever it is that gives you grieve, do you like the way you think and feel about it? Does it serve you? Does it support you? Does it enrich you life? Do you want more of it? How much longer do you want to keep it?

ONLY READ on if you if you can strongly say NO these question above! Can you? Good!

So, have you had enough of this way of thinking and feeling? YES? Are you ready for something new? YES? Would you like to live, work and play at your highest potential? YES? Keep reading …

Now … imagine that tonight after you go to bed and while you’re sleeping, a miracle happens, and the problems that brought you here were immediately solved, gone … just like that. Now you have what you have longed for.

Notice your sense of here and now … right now … being fully present to your environment and what you are engaged in … the conversations that you have with your loved ones and your friends, looking at them in wonder and curiosity and seeing their world through their eyes and feeling a sense of connection with them and with something more than just you. Notice how you are pursuing the things that are important to you with passion and drive … that’s right … lost in time … this may be your fingers tapping away on the keyboard … as the words to your book are easily flowing from your mind or perhaps this is just you hiking in the woods, being in touch with nature and enjoying the beauty of the land. Feeling compelled for daily walks and exercise regimes lifting weights and running on the treadmill as you notice your body’s new shape and your energy levels rise. Being fully present in the here and now, feeling a strong sense of purpose and looking at the world with curiosity and wonder … notice how you easily connect with your colleagues, staff and customers … notice how engage them conversations and the questions that you asked … the infectious energy you create … the new ideas you generate and solutions to problems that magically appear … because that and much more your inner genius can do … can you not?

As you read through those lines become aware of your awareness … notice your state, notice how you feel, notice your energy, notice what you are aware of, notice what you are paying attention to.

Now being fully in this state, this feeling, this energy … think of the event or circumstance in your life that has given you grieve and that has held you back or slowed you down. Being in this new state, what do you notice about this event now? What are you aware of? What does it mean to you now? How much are you at its mercy now? What are you thinking and feeling now? If you were to step into the event and look at yourself from there … what do you notice about yourself? How are you different? Being in this state of mind and feeling how do you perceive this event or circumstance now?

Do you like that way of thinking and feeling? YES? Does that serve you? YES? Does it support you? YES? Does it enrich you life? YES? Do you want more of it? YES? Do you want to keep it? YES?

Well done, you have just tapped into your inner genius, a flow state or being in zone. You have just scratched the surface of what is possible.

Elite athletes know this state. That is what sets them apart from the rest. They know how to access their best states and be fully present and aligned with their highest intention their craft and focused on what they want to achieve.

What stops you from learning how to access your best states, being aligned with your higher intention and live a fuller and richer life? 

How do you want to see and experience your world so that it serves you? 

If you want to learn more about how to access your best states, your inner genius and live, work and play at your highest potential and with peak performance then contact Mike at or check out the details for our Self-Leadership – Accessing Personal Genius / Coaching Genius training at

to your highest learning and growth


About Mike Schwarzer

Mike is a Performance Strategist & Modeler and an Internationally Certified Trainer in Neuro-Semantic NLP with the International Society of Neuro-Sematics ISNS. The ISNS is a global NLP community, operating in over 40 countries, dedicated to helping people actualise excellence by transforming Meaning into Performance. He is also a leadership team member of the Institute of Neuro-Semantics Australia the Australian branch of ISNS.
An experienced facilitator and coach, with an ability to connect and align people and organisations, he helps them to fine tune their performance wizardry to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go!

For more information about Mike visit and  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Self-Leadership, Does your thinking have you or do you have your thinking?

Food for Thought from Mike Schwarzer’s Pearls of Wisdom, September 2013

A few years ago I was working with coaching client who was a department head in a 5 star hotel. He was regarded as difficult to work with, very reactive and a bit of a rebel by other department heads and senior managers. He often clashed with his general manager in executive meetings having heated discussions over issues that dragged out to an hour. During one of our coaching sessions he had an insight. He said “I thought that what we think is a given, all we can do is to manage what we think”. ‘His thinking had him’ and at the mercy of his circumstances. And because he was caught in that mindset he had only limited flexibility in responding to his circumstances. He suddenly realised that he could actually change what he was thinking. Now ‘he had his thinking’ and choice about how to respond to his circumstances. As a result, the discussions with his general manager were now more civilised and the issues resolved in ten minutes.

People and organisations are not random in the way they think, feel, speak and perform. They operate in accordance to a map, their inner map of reality, the way they see world. Within that map lies limitation, potential and possibility … failure and success. 
The map is always right! 

Did you know that the map is always right? Your inner map is about what you hold to be true about your world, about yourself and others. From that perspective you cannot not act out your map, it is your servant. It shows up in your way of thinking, feeling, behaving and speaking as an expression of what is going on in your map. 
The question is … does the map serve you or limit you? What is the magic key? 

Learning how the map works, how we create it, the dynamics it generates and how to change it so that it serves us gives you the magic key. The key in ‘having your thinking’, generating and accessing your best states and presence of mind! When we operate from our best states we tend to

  • have a higher quality of mind
  • have greater awareness and resourcefulness
  • think and act with clarity, focus and flexibility
  • feel in charge of our feelings, thoughts and behaviours
  • see possibilities and come up with ideas and solutions to problems
  • relate and engage well with others
  • bring the best out of others
  • make good decisions
  • stretch our abilities
  • etc

Self-Leadership is an Inside Game!

Self-Leadership is an Inside Game, the Inner Game of Leadership and it starts with enriching and stretching your map with quality meanings. The more useful meanings you can give to your life’s events and circumstances the more choice and flexibility you have in your ability to respond, to perform and to serve.

This works for you as an individual or as an organisation. It affects the quality of how you lead yourself and your life, the difference you make to the lives of others, how you bring out the best in yourself and in others, how you contribute to the success of your business or your organisation and the community. It affects how an organisation operates in complex and ambiguous environments. It affects its culture, how it works as a unit and how it interacts with its customers. How it maintains its ability to learn, to be creative and innovative and experiences greater levels of resilience, optimism and motivation. 

What quality meanings do you want to hold to be true and embody so that they serve you and others? 

Curious to learn more how to enrich your map with quality meanings? Then contact Mike at or check out the details for our Self-Leadership – Accessing Personal Genius / Coaching Genius training at

to your highest learning and growth


About Mike Schwarzer

Mike is a Performance Strategist & Modeler and an Internationally Certified Trainer in Neuro-Semantic NLP with the International Society of Neuro-Sematics ISNS. The ISNS is a global NLP community, operating in over 40 countries, dedicated to helping people actualise excellence by transforming Meaning into Performance. He is also a leadership team member of the Institute of Neuro-Semantics Australia the Australian branch of ISNS.
An experienced facilitator and coach, with an ability to connect and align people and organisations, he helps them to fine tune their performance wizardry to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go!

For more information about Mike visit and  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Self-Leadership, Artistry or Misery and Why should you care?

Food for Thought from Mike Schwarzer’s Pearls of Wisdom, July 2013

"We don't see the world as it is. We see the world as we are!" Jamie Smart
What a fantastic line!
Who hasn't experienced moments when you felt on top of the world, full of joy, enthusiasm and highly motivated with an energy that was infectious? And funny enough, the world and the people around you looked beautiful. There seemed to be a harmony between you and your external world. You liked the world and the world liked you. It was easy to get on with people and they seemingly were eating out of your hands. Solutions to problems just appeared. Your creative juices were flowing with new ideas and insights. Time was flying while you were engrossed in activities that would normally be a drag. At the end of the day you felt alive with energy to burn and a strong sense of wellbeing.
On the flip side you may also have experienced the opposite. Moments when you felt that the world was to blame for all your worries and feeling sorry for yourself with an energy that was repelling. You seemed to be at war with yourself and your external world. And in this scenario didn’t the world and the people around you look just the way you felt? You disliked the world and the world disliked you. People didn’t particularly want to be around you and it seemed that they were the cause to all of your problems. You’ve got little collaboration and got not much done! At the end of the day you’ve felt exhausted and burned out.
Does the circumstance have you or do you have the circumstance?
What is the difference between the two scenarios? High quality versus low quality of mind or Artistry versus Misery! Look at it this way, when we operate from a high quality of mind, we experience life with greater clarity, presence of mind and a heightened sense of self-awareness regardless of our circumstances. Here we drive the quality of how we feel our circumstances. We have the circumstance. We call this inside out thinking. A high quality of mind allows us to draw on our inner resources and wisdom. It helps us to develop new insights, see possibilities, expand our mental and behavioural flexibility, focus more on what we can bring to the world rather than what we can take, bring out the best in ourselves and others and enjoy a greater quality of life and wellbeing.
When we operate from a low quality of mind, we experience life quite differently. We experience a lack of clarity, distress and have little self-awareness. We feel at the mercy of our circumstances, being controlled by them. In this case the circumstance has us. We call this outside in thinking. A low quality of mind limits us from drawing on our inner resources and gives us little mental and behavioural flexibility. It prevents us from being the best we can be, live an authentic life, have high quality relationships, help others to be the best they can be. 
Artistry or Misery, which one do you want to lead your life?
Which mind dominates most of your mental space, high quality or low quality? Where do you spend most of your time? What would happen if you practice inside out thinking and develop a high or even higher quality of mind?
How do you bring Artistry to your mind?
We are limited by the boundaries of our assumptions that we make about the world and our circumstances. In other words the meanings that we hold in mind about what we deem is true and what is not true to us. These meanings create an inner map of how we see and experience the world or how it works. This inner map is reflected and expressed in our thinking, in our language and in our behaviours. Depending on the level of distinctions and richness of our map it gives us either a greater or smaller range of mental and behavioural flexibility and choice in how we respond to and interact with our environment.
There is no right nor wrong with what we are holding true about a certain circumstance or the world. Rather it is a question of usefulness. Does the way we think and feel about something or someone serve us? Does it support us? Does it enrich us? If the answer is no, then we may consider changing it or adding further choices to it.
We bring artistry to the mind by expanding on the meanings that we hold about ourselves, others, our capabilities, the world around us, etc.
And how do we expand our meanings? By questioning the assumptions behind those meanings and in doing so giving them new and/or additional meanings. By doing that we stretch our mind and give it greater flexibility.
More on 'Stretching and Growing Bigger Minds' in my next Food for Thought article. In the meantime I leave you to reflect on the following questions:
With what mind do you want to lead yourself and others? With what mind do you want to engage and connect with the world? The one that leads to Artistry or the one that leads to Misery?
When you lead with clarity and presence of mind -
  • How do you show up in the world?
  • What kind of leader are you?
  • What relationships do you have with yourself and others?
  • What kind of conversations do you have?
  • What difference do you make to your family, friends and the community?
  • What problems do you solve and how?
  • How do you contribute to your work and serve your clients?
  • What levels of health and wellbeing do you enjoy?
  • etc.

Curious to find out more about how to bring artistry of the mind to your self-leadership and experience a higher quality of life and work? Then contact Mike at or check out the details for our Self-Leadership - Accessing Personal Genius training click here!

to your highest learning and growth

About Mike Schwarzer

Mike is a Performance Strategist & Modeler and an Internationally Certified Trainer in Neuro-Semantic NLP with the International Society of Neuro-Sematics ISNS. The ISNS is a global NLP community, operating in over 40 countries, dedicated to helping people actualise excellence by transforming Meaning into Performance. He is also a leadership team member of the Institute of Neuro-Semantics Australia the Australian branch of ISNS.
An experienced facilitator and coach, with an ability to connect and align people and organisations, he helps them to fine tune their performance wizardry to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go!

For more information about Mike visit and