Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Leading change through turbulent times: How compelling is Your Message?

Mike Schwarzer, TLP 5 Insight Reflections, 29 June 2016

I often start my reflections with pointing your focus into a certain direction … to listen with nothing on your mind. Why is that you ask? Because the message of what I am sharing with you is not in the words I am writing, it is behind those words. When you read with a busy and intellectual mind your focus is on the words and the meaning that you give those words. That is its function. Now I am not saying there is no value in this but the intellectual mind is biased and can get in the way of seeing beyond that bias and create blindspots.

When you are reading with a quiet and empty mind you tap into what I call the domain of creativity and deeper insight. This is where you step above your blindspots. This is the space where you see with greater clarity and where fresh thought and the answers to your problems emerge!

If you could tap into that space, would that be useful to you? Then give yourself permission to suspend your judgment and read with nothing on your mind!

Do you care and do you want to make a difference?

Now my approach and thinking is not for everyone. It is for leaders and influencers who genuinely care about the wellbeing of their people, to grow with them and through them. It is for leaders and influencers that want to create meaningful and sustainable workspaces and organisations. Those that want to make a difference to the people they serve and the wider community. If that lands with you then this conversation is for you!

Leading Change and the Power of Your Message!

I have recently had the pleasure of teaching hundreds of vocational education students the art of presenting in public. Most of these students are inexperienced in speaking to an audience and quite anxious about it. The nature of the program asks them to pick a topic that involves a contemporary social issue which can be confronting to them and their audiences.

While assessing them, I started to notice a difference between the ones who seemed to connect and engage well with the audience and who got their message across, despite their nerves, versus the ones who didn’t do as well.

The ones that didn’t do well seem to mainly focus on ‘The What’ they where delivering, their key points and the content of their presentation. They were trying to remember their content and worried about the bits they’ve missed.

Whereas the students who did very well were focused on ‘The Why’ they were delivering their presentation, their message! They were very clear on what their message was, why it was important to them and how to express that message in a way that reached their audience. Funny enough, when the message is clear, the content seems to fall into place. Even if some bits get lost in the process, the key message still lands!

But that’s not all!

An embodied understanding of their message, expressed through them!

As part of the preparation of their presentation the students have to develop a presentation plan. One of the key tasks I set them is … What is their key message? Why is that topic and message important to them? Why should the audience listen to their message?

The students who get that seem to develop an embodied understanding of what is important to them about their topic and their message. Because of that, they become the message. They don’t just verbally deliver their presentation. Their message is expressed through them. It is grounded in the way they show up, in their conviction, in their body, in their tone of voice, in their energy. The audience doesn’t just hear the message. They can also see it and feel it. It is compelling, influential and impactful ... it connects!

What is your message and how well is it grounded?

Let’s translate that to your individual and organisational leadership. How well is your work unit and organisation travelling? What is the message that you are projecting onto your people? How is it impacting on them? Are they drawn to it and collaborating with you or are they put off and resisting?

You cannot not project a message … you are the message! It shows up in you. It is all over you. It is expressed in your behaviours, in your energy and your actions. It might be subtle but people still smell it!

If your message only focuses on ‘the what’ your business is about and what it does it may only be a place that people come to earn a living.

If your message also reflects a clear vision and a meaningful purpose, that is embodied and expressed in your leadership and throughout your organizational culture. Then it becomes a place where people go beyond their call of duty and their paycheck!

Which place do you rather lead from? Your choice! In a turbulent world, choose wisely!

If that resonates with you and you want to know how develop a well grounded message that connects with your people, brings out the best in them and that taps into their collective wisdom read on. If not, I like to thank you and I look forward to serving you with my next reflection!

to your best


PS Are you ready for the next step?

Here is how it is going to work!
We are in the business of helping leaders and organisations to solve the problems that they have not been able to solve elsewhere and create the results they want to achieve.

We help them to step outside of themselves, out of their blind spots and get a wider view. We help them to create bigger minds with a bigger capacity to operate in and through complex environments.

Think of the things that keep you and your team awake at night? What problems would you like to have solved that would make your time working with us worthwhile? If we could help you do that, what would that be worth to you?

How to solve those problems and more is what you will experience when you work with us.

Our approach is transformational and works best if you fit the following criteria:

  • You are a new or seasoned leader of people (i.e. team-leader, department head, general manager, sales manager, HR professional, training professional, OD professional, coach, etc).
  • You work in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environments.
  • You are asked to do more with less. To create better outcomes with less resources.
  • You’re an enthusiastic, optimistic, open minded and friendly people-person.
  • You genuinely want to make a difference and create an environment where people can flourish and organisations can thrive.
  • You have an open approach to learning, and are willing to step out of your comfort zone if necessary.
  • You can keep a secret.

If that’s you, then reply to this email here or call +61 419 866 427 and let us know a little about some of the pressing challenges that keep you awake at night and what would be one thing that you could do better or do more of that would make a difference in your life and your work. If emailing, make the subject line “Transformational Leadership'.

Why work with us?

“My conversations with clients used to be transactional, now they are transformational. It’s not about the widgets I sell anymore, it’s all about the relationship with the person. It’s really exploring and addressing the client’s needs and solving their problems instead of a preset agenda of what to sell. This shift in my thinking has profoundly increased the business I am generating now”

Connor O’Rourke, General Manager Sales, Datacom Systems SA, Adelaide, SA Pty Ltd


“When working with a client just recently, I was able to bring into play a number of the principles about the higher intentions and states that they are in. After doing this program it really helped me to understand the nature of our higher intentions and also to communicate this to my clients … you could see the light bulbs going off for them.”

Listen to how one of our programs impacted on Michelle Holland, former Manager, People & Culture, City of Salisbury, SA and a recent graduate! Click on this link https://youtu.be/gDNT4rgsUD8 or the picture above.

Want to collaborate with us to help you solve your problems? 

Contact me here or call +61 419 866 427 and explore how we can support you in solving your problems.

to your highest and best


PPS if this is not for you but you know of someone that might be a good fit please forward this email to them and ask them to reply to this email address mike@thoughtleadingpeople.com.au.

About Mike Schwarzer

Mike is a Performance Strategist & Modeler and an Internationally Certified Trainer in Neuro-Semantic NLP with the International Society of Neuro-Sematics ISNS. The ISNS is a global NLP community, operating in over 40 countries, dedicated to helping people actualise excellence by transforming Meaning into Performance. He is also a leadership team member of the Institute of Neuro-Semantics Australia the Australian branch of ISNS. An experienced facilitator and coach, with an ability to connect and align people and organisations, he helps them to fine tune their performance wizardry to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go!

For more information about Mike visit www.mikeschwarzer.com and www.thoughtleadingpeople.com.au.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Are you a Real Leader or All Talk?

Mike Schwarzer, TLP 4 Insight Reflections, 15 June 2016

Are you a real leader or all talk? What does this question evoke in you? How does it make you feel? Annoyed? Defensive? Intrigued? Curious?

What was the first thought on your mind? “How dare you Mike, questioning my integrity as a leader!” Or …”Mmmhhh, that looks interesting, I wonder what this is all about?”

The Frame controls the Game!

“Does the thought have you or do you have the thought?”

Whatever was on your mind, it influenced the quality of your thinking and how you’ve experienced this thinking. Consequently it led you to take action and open this reading.

And not just that, it influences the quality of what you getting from the following content of this post. Are you reading with a closed and judging mind? Are you comparing it to what you already know? Are you discounting what I am sharing with you?

Or are you reading it with nothing on your mind? A mind that is open and curious for fresh thought, for new insight, and for seeing new possibilities?

The frame controls the game. As human beings we have the ability of cognitive thinking. We can bring meaning to the world out there. Living in the world of thought means we can interpret and evaluate what we see and what we hear out there in our external environment. Not just that, we have to ability to make assumptions about our assumptions about it.

Living in our assumptions means we see and experience life through a distorted reality. It shows up in our behaviours. In the way we feel it in our bodies and the way we act. It shows up in the way we engage with others.

Here we can get into trouble! This can create major blind spots for us. Most people do not understand the nature of cognitive thinking and how it drives our understanding of how we think life works. This creates a false reality based on our assumptions that we hold true. The thing is, we always live in a false reality. In the world of thought there is no escaping from this false reality, nor is it a bad thing. None of us is immune to this.

However it becomes a problem when we think that our reality is the only reality. Then we act through the limits of that reality and project those limits onto others. Here we can easily buy into our thinking and that of others and being reactive to it.

Get out of your own way and see a world of possibility!

The trick is to get out of your way, to step back and see your reality for what is. It’s just your made up reality. It exists and is only true within the confines of your thinking. When you have that level of awareness you can gauge for the usefulness of what occupies your mind. You can act on it or not. You can question it. You can expand on it. You can explore it. You can step above it.

The more perspective you have, the more ways you can see the world in, the more choice and flexibility you have in dealing with what life is throwing at you. The ability to step above your thinking allows you to see with greater clarity and possibility. Here we operate through the richness and insightfulness of our thinking and engage with that of others in harmonious ways.

Real leadership is transformational leadership and it starts with YOU!

Transformational leadership is about engaging people’s minds through understanding, valuing and connecting with their higher level needs or intentions, which I have written about in previous reflections. Chip Conley, the founder of Joie De Vivre, founder of California’s biggest boutique hotel chain tripled his business during the Dot.Com crash and 911 by doing exactly that. Watch his TED talk on ‘Measuring what makes life worthwhile’ here.

It begins with you, how you lead yourself. In involves your ability to question and to step above your own thinking and to expand it. Your willingness to explore and to operate from your highest intentions. And to lead the way for others to do the same.

When you begin to do that, you’ll change the name of the game. You’ll find yourself operate in a state of flow. You’ll experience greater clarity of mind where solutions to problems miraculously appear. And you’ll connect and collaborate effortless with others. That is transformation in play!

So, are you a real leader?

‘A vital ingredient in a disruptive world!’

Many years ago I heard a great definition for a leader.

“Firstly, a leader has followers. If nobody is following you, you are not the leader. Secondly, what is the reason why people follow someone? Because they think that the person they follow knows where he or she is going!”

People generally follow someone they trust. Someone that stands for something! A person that has a sense of purpose and vision and that inspires people through that purpose and vision. Someone that leads through people and that shows them the way!

This is a vital ingredient for a real leader leading in a disruptive world. A world where being creative and innovative is the key to staying competitive and sustainable. And the ability to be flexible and adaptable to the changes that come with it!

This has to be done collectively and collaboratively, through people. A real leader’s role is to bring out the best in their people. To give them a sense of empowerment and create a space where employees can tap into their full potential.

Leaders who do not focus on bringing out the best in their people are a reliability to their organisation. They are costing their organisation and holding it back!

How do you bring out the best in your people and tap into the collective wisdom of your workforce?

It all begins with the assumptions that you make about people and how the world works. And how these assumptions either limit you or empower you in the way you engage with them and the quality of the contribution they make.

The clue is here! Are you a disempowering or empowering your people? Are they working against you or for you? Are you holding your organisation back or are you driving it forward?

What are the underlying assumptions that either hold you back or drive you forward?

If that resonates with you and you want to know how to connect with your people, bring out the best in them and to tap into their collective wisdom read on. If not, I like to thank you and I look forward to serving you with my next reflection!

to your best


PS Are you ready for the next step?

Here is how it is going to work!

We are in the business of helping leaders and organisations to solve the problems that they have not been able to solve elsewhere and create the results they want to achieve.

You are going to spend three days with us where we coach the life out of you and stretch your mind.

But you have to hurry, this is your last change to register for this financial year's final program. Click here to book or email me here to secure your seat.

We help them to step outside of themselves, out of their blind spots and get a wider view. We help them to create bigger minds with a bigger capacity to operate in and through complex environments.

Think of the things that keep you and your team awake at night? What problems would you like to have solved that would make your time working with us worthwhile? If we could help you do that, what would that be worth to you?

How to solve those problems and more is what you will experience at our upcoming public ...

Think of the things that keep you and your team awake at night? What problems would you like to have solved that would make your time working with us worthwhile? If we could help you do that, what would that be worth to you?

How to solve those problems and more is what you will experience at our upcoming public ...

SELF-LEADERSHIP – Accessing Personal Genius Program
The Structure & Tools to Make Change Stick and to Tap into Your Creative Wisdom!

Adelaide, 21 to 23 June 2016

In this program you will experience the structure and tools of making change stick, what we call meaning into performance and tapping into your creative space of mind. Change involves taking new thinking (mind) and embedding it into behaviour (body). The reason why many change initiatives fail is that the new thinking never reaches the behaviour. Additionally, creativity resides outside the conscious mind.

We know the structure of that process and have the tools to make the shift as well as step into your creative wisdom.

In this program we will share this structure with you and teach you the tools to create lasting change and transformation and the insights that come with it.

We’re looking for a small group of very specific people for this 'transformational leadership' program.

  • You are a new or seasoned leader of people (i.e. team-leader, department head, general manager, sales manager, HR professional, training professional, OD professional, coach, etc).
  • You work in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environments.
  • You are asked to do more with less. To create better outcomes with less resources.
  • You’re an enthusiastic, optimistic, open minded and friendly people-person.
  • You genuinely want to make a difference and create an environment where people can flourish and organisations can thrive.
  • You have an open approach to learning, and are willing to step out of your comfort zone if necessary.
  • You can keep a secret.

If that’s you, then reply to this email here and let us know a little about your background (if you don’t know what to tell us about, look at the list above for inspiration). Also tell us about some of the pressing challenges that keep you awake at night and what would be one thing that you could do better or do more of that would make a difference in your life and your work. Make the subject line “Transformational Leadership'.

Why this program?

“My conversations with clients used to be transactional, now they are transformational. It’s not about the widgets I sell anymore, it’s all about the relationship with the person. It’s really exploring and addressing the client’s needs and solving their problems instead of a preset agenda of what to sell. This shift in my thinking has profoundly increased the business I am generating now” Connor O’Rourke, General Manager Sales, Datacom Systems SA, Adelaide, SA Pty Ltd


“When working with a client just recently, I was able to bring into play a number of the principles about the higher intentions and states that they are in. After doing this program it really helped me to understand the nature of our higher intentions and also to communicate this to my clients … you could see the light bulbs going off for them.”

Listen to how this program impacted on Michelle Holland, former Manager, People & Culture, City of Salisbury, SA and a recent graduate! Click on this link https://youtu.be/gDNT4rgsUD8 or the picture above.

Want to collaborate with us to help you solve your problems?
What a better opportunity to invest your end of financial year budget in the up skilling of your leaders with leading edge thinking! Click here.

More about this program!

This is an ideal program if you want to live a higher quality of life, have meaningful relationships with others, create lasting change and achieve greater results for your business and for your clients.

It will give you the insights on how people create higher level meanings and intentions about their world. How those meanings and intentions are then manifested and experienced in their neurology which consequently drives their behaviours i.e. Mindsets that support or limit people’s quality of being in the world, their performances at work and play, and their ability to achieve personal and business goals.

Understanding the structure of that process will give you the tools to engage a person at their higher levels of thinking (meanings and intentions) and create transformational and lasting change from inside-out (changing mindset, fundamentally thinking differently about their world, Big WHY) rather than from the outside-in (changing behaviour i.e. doing things differently).

This program is transformational and can be a life changing experience for you as many other participants have.

Contact me here or call 0419 866 427 if you have any further questions about the event.

To register and to take your magic to the next level reply to this email and I will email you a registration form. Alternatively visit our site click here.

to your highest and best


PPS if this is not for you but you know of someone that might be a good fit please forward this email to them and ask them to reply to this email address mike@thoughtleadingpeople.com.au.

About Mike Schwarzer

Mike is a Performance Strategist & Modeler and an Internationally Certified Trainer in Neuro-Semantic NLP with the International Society of Neuro-Sematics ISNS. The ISNS is a global NLP community, operating in over 40 countries, dedicated to helping people actualise excellence by transforming Meaning into Performance. He is also a leadership team member of the Institute of Neuro-Semantics Australia the Australian branch of ISNS. An experienced facilitator and coach, with an ability to connect and align people and organisations, he helps them to fine tune their performance wizardry to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go!

For more information about Mike visit www.mikeschwarzer.com and www.thoughtleadingpeople.com.au.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Are you ready for leading in a Disruptive World? If not you might be toast!

Mike Schwarzer, TLP 3 Insight Reflections, 7 June 2016

On the surface, you’d think that the world of leadership and management is pretty advanced and sophisticated. That leaders and managers understand and know how to inspire their people and to fully tap into their potential. Especially in a world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. A world so complex, that we cannot longer predict the future by past events.

And a world of business that finds it challenging to get their heads around this new world and the disruptive nature of new and innovative players such as Uber, AirBNB, eBay, etc that are turning existing industries upside down. And I am sure this is only the start!

Innovate or be Toast! CEO Commonwealth Bank

None of us is immune to this changing playing field, nor am I suggesting that it is easy to adapt to the new rules of the game. Yet ignoring it could be the beginning of the end. This is highlighted by recent comments made by Ian Narev, CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Innovate or be Toast! Read more here.

So when it comes to leading and managing people and innovation for this new disruptive world many organisations and the personnel put in charge to lead in this environment are ill prepared. They are stuck in an outdated way of thinking, developed for an old world. They are set in their ways, unable to get out of their own way. Old habits die hard!

Leading Innovation in a Disruptive World requires a New Way of Thinking!

How do we create a leadership capacity and a workforce that can step outside the boundaries of conventional thinking? That has mental and behavioural flexibility? That can tap into its innate creative and innovative potential? That is willing to take risks in its thinking?

Innovation is about Culture, not Technology! General Manager, Microsoft, Slovenia & Albania

In a recent LinkedIn article penned by Robert Trnovec, the General Manager, Microsoft Slovenia & Albania he points our attention to culture when it come to innovation in the new world. Read more here. What do many organisations focus on when thinking about innovation? They think of things to change such as technology, gadgets, products and services. And hopefully that will do the trick. Now there is nothing wrong with coming up with new technologies and it is absolutely necessary to stay current and competitive.

However, when it is driven from a place of necessity and survival it becomes a problem. Innovation requires creative thinking. And creative thinking comes from and through people. How creative are people when they operating in environments that are hierarchical and that run on fear and worry? It stifles it! It often is left to a select few in an organisation to come up with new ideas, and they are not necessarily the most creative. The rest of the workforce is kept out of the mix. That means there is a whole pool of talent and wisdom that is not tapped into.

Creativity and innovation in the new world requires fresh thought and new thinking focused on possibility and curiosity. Fresh thought comes from a quiet mind and conversation. Organisations that embrace collective thinking and collaboration across all levels don’t just survive, they thrive. They understand that technology, their products and services are only a means to end, to serve their customers better and help them to solve their problems.

Organisations that understand that provide environments where creativity and innovation can occur. They develop cultures that are driven by possibility and abundance. Where people feel involved in the process and that they are part of serving a cause. Where they are encouraged to think freely, enjoy taking part in the conversations and where they want to contribute. This comes back to the Power of Purpose at Work. If you haven’t already you can read my reflections on Purpose here.

Leading Innovation in the New World!

‘Leading Innovation = Change. Change = Relationships. Relationships = Connection!’

Creativity and innovation in the new world is about change, transformational change. Transformational change is relational. It requires leaders and managers to develop their ability to connect with their people and inspire them. That requires an understanding and awareness of their higher levels of meaning. The importance of how that meaning influences their contribution at work. Meaning drives behaviour and performance! And how to relate and lead through that what is on people’s minds.

Of course, this is a two street. To understand the dynamic of people’s minds, how it influences their behaviours and then to connect with them isn’t a mechanical process. It has to be genuine and natural. Perception is projection. If you come from a genuine place of understanding, interest, support, collaboration, etc. this will be reflected in your subtle behaviours and the energy that you project. Then people get a natural sense of connection. If it is not genuine they will smell a rat and the walls go up!

How do you get that connection?

It all starts with YOU! It starts with being human, yes I know it sounds scary. You connect from human to human. Not manager to staff or vice versa. The moment we put labels one ourselves and on people, other than that of human being, we distort our perspective of the world which we then act out through those labels. This affects the energy that we project and shifts the dynamic of the relationship that we hold with self and with others.That's where we easily disconnect.

When you connect with your own humanness, you easily connect with other human beings. There is a deep sense of trust and a feeling of ease. The dynamic of the relationship is generally in a state flow, in the moment. And when you in a state of flow you are entering the domain of creativity and insight. Here you find fresh thought and solutions to you problems. You see your world with greater clarity.

Leading Innovation, begins with Leading Self!

Leading innovation, begins with leading self! In the way you relate to yourself and through that how you show up to play the game! How do you want show up to serve your business, your people and your customer community?

Do you genuinely want to create an organisation that drives on creativity and innovation? One that inspires its people into action and that can thrive in the complexities of the new world!

If that resonates with you and you want to know how to connect with your people and to tap into their collective wisdom read on. If not, I like to thank you and I look forward to serving you with my next reflection!

to your best


PS Are you ready for the next step?

Here is how it is going to work!

We are in the business of helping leaders and organisations to solve the problems that they have not been able to solve elsewhere and create the results they want to achieve.
We help them to step outside of themselves, out of their blind spots and get a wider view. We help them to create bigger minds with a bigger capacity to operate in and through complex environments.

Think of the things that keep you and your team awake at night? What problems would you like to have solved that would make your time working with us worthwhile? If we could help you do that, what would that be worth to you?

How to solve those problems and more is what you will experience at our upcoming public ...

SELF-LEADERSHIP – Accessing Personal Genius Program
The Structure & Tools to Make Change Stick and to Tap into Your Creative Wisdom! 

Adelaide, 21 to 23 June 2016.  

In this program you will experience the structure and tools of making change stick, what we call meaning into performance and tapping into your creative space of mind. Change involves taking new thinking (mind) and embedding it into behaviour (body). The reason why many change initiatives fail is that the new thinking never reaches the behaviour. Additionally, creativity resides outside the conscious mind.

We know the structure of that process and have the tools to make the shift as well as step into your creative wisdom.

In this program we will share this structure with you and teach you the tools to create lasting change and transformation and the insights that come with it.

We’re looking for a small group of very specific people for this 'transformational leadership' program. 

  • You are a new or seasoned leader of people (i.e. team-leader, department head, general manager, sales manager, HR professional, training professional, OD professional, coach, etc).
  • You work in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environments.
  • You are asked to do more with less. To create better outcomes with less resources.
  • You’re an enthusiastic, optimistic, open minded and friendly people-person.
  • You genuinely want to make a difference and create an environment where people can flourish and organisations can thrive.
  • You have an open approach to learning, and are willing to step out of your comfort zone if necessary.
  • You can keep a secret.

If that’s you, then reply to this email here and let us know a little about your background (if you don’t know what to tell us about, look at the list above for inspiration). Also tell us about some of the pressing challenges that keep you awake at night and what would be one thing that you could do better or do more of that would make a difference in your life and your work. Make the subject line “Transformational Leadership'.

Why this program?

“My conversations with clients used to be transactional, now they are transformational. It’s not about the widgets I sell anymore, it’s all about the relationship with the person. It’s really exploring and addressing the client’s needs and solving their problems instead of a preset agenda of what to sell. This shift in my thinking has profoundly increased the business I am generating now” Connor O’Rourke, General Manager Sales, Datacom Systems SA, Adelaide, SA Pty Ltd


“When working with a client just recently, I was able to bring into play a number of the principles about the higher intentions and states that they are in. After doing this program it really helped me to understand the nature of our higher intentions and also to communicate this to my clients … you could see the light bulbs going off for them.”

Listen to how this program impacted on Michelle Holland, former Manager, People & Culture, City of Salisbury, SA and a recent graduate! Click on this link https://youtu.be/gDNT4rgsUD8 or the picture above.

Want to collaborate with us to help you solve your problems?
What a better opportunity to invest your end of financial year budget in the up skilling of your leaders with leading edge thinking! Click here.

More about this program!

This is an ideal program if you want to live a higher quality of life, have meaningful relationships with others, create lasting change and achieve greater results for your business and for your clients.

It will give you the insights on how people create higher level meanings and intentions about their world. How those meanings and intentions are then manifested and experienced in their neurology which consequently drives their behaviours i.e. Mindsets that support or limit people’s quality of being in the world, their performances at work and play, and their ability to achieve personal and business goals.

Understanding the structure of that process will give you the tools to engage a person at their higher levels of thinking (meanings and intentions) and create transformational and lasting change from inside-out (changing mindset, fundamentally thinking differently about their world, Big WHY) rather than from the outside-in (changing behaviour i.e. doing things differently).

This program is transformational and can be a life changing experience for you as many other participants have.

Contact me here or call 0419 866 427 if you have any further questions about the event.

To register and to take your magic to the next level reply to this email and I will email you a registration form. Alternatively visit our site click here.

to your highest and best


PPS if this is not for you but you know of someone that might be a good fit please forward this email to them and ask them to reply to this email address mike@thoughtleadingpeople.com.au.

About Mike Schwarzer

Mike is a Performance Strategist & Modeler and an Internationally Certified Trainer in Neuro-Semantic NLP with the International Society of Neuro-Sematics ISNS. The ISNS is a global NLP community, operating in over 40 countries, dedicated to helping people actualise excellence by transforming Meaning into Performance. He is also a leadership team member of the Institute of Neuro-Semantics Australia the Australian branch of ISNS. An experienced facilitator and coach, with an ability to connect and align people and organisations, he helps them to fine tune their performance wizardry to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go!

For more information about Mike visit www.mikeschwarzer.com and www.thoughtleadingpeople.com.au.