Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Welcome to the Inner Game of Leadership Blog

Hi All Inner Game of Leadership Enthusiasts

If you are a leader, a manager, a coach, a mentor or anyone else who is enthusiastic in making a positive contribution to the ongoing performance success of your organisation, yourself and the people you work with, then you may find this blog stimulating.

Why the inner game? Leadership development as well as any other organisational and peformance development approaches often only address issues on the intellectual level. We talk and think about things - concepts, ideas, behaviours and how we are meant to do them. In other words, we talk the talk. But when it comes to turning these ideas, concepts and behaviours into actual reality, it becomes a different story.

Turning a new concept, idea or behaviour into being requires another skill. An ability to walk the walk. Understanding the underlying dynamics, the inner game, that drive the actions and behaviours of people and organisations can give us clues and insights into how the successful ones do success and the unsuccessful ones do not. And if our intention is to be more successful at what we do than not, than we can learn to track and map the qualities of these underlying dynamics of success and replicate them.

When I talk about success I don't just mean creating great wealth, build big business, break world records, win championships or climbing Mt. Everest. To understand the inner game of success we don't have to look that far.

Let me first reframe the word success a little and change it to “be successful at what we do” or “be successful at getting what we want”.

This could refer to a minor task such as switching on the TV, washing the dishes or going shopping. Or a more major project such as getting a degree, building a house or setting up a business. These are tangible undertakings and are easily measurable.

Other areas that we might want to be successful in include personal abilities such as relating, parenting, negotiating, coaching, selling, leading and influencing or any other personal abilities that our hearts desire. These are less tangible undertakings and a little harder to measure.

We may also seek to be successful at accessing and maintaining resourceful mental and emotional states such as happiness, confidence, conviction, excitement, love, focus, assertiveness, calmness, etc. These appear to be intangible undertakings and tricky to measure.

None of these undertakings just happen by accident. Much of what we do is done subconsciously, without much thought about how we do what we do. If we have become good at something we generally focus on the end result and how we feel about it. And if we repeatedly succeed in missing what we want we often focus on the loss or what we didn’t want and the emotional discomfort associated with that.

Successful or unsuccessful, consistently achieving the same results, either desired or undesired, is a bit like ground hog day, repeating the same underlying patterns and dynamics or movement of thought and behaviour.

And these patterns and dynamics have structure and system. To do what we do, we have to hold certain thoughts and put them into a context or contexts. These contexts act as frames through which we relate to our environment and define how we see what we see and want to see, hear what we hear and want to hear, and feel what we feel and want to feel. What we hold to be true and not true. What we focus on and how we focus. What we pay attention to and how we pay attention. What we count and what we discount. We also have to translate what we have created and constructed in our mind, our head, into our neurology, our body. In the body is where and how we measure what is real and what is not real to us. This is where we generate the physical movement that takes us either to where we want to go or away from it.

What are your experiences with success?

What are you noticing when you successfully achieve an undertaking? What is your strategy? What are you focusing on? What are you paying attention to? What are your intentions? What do you experience in your body?

What are you noticing when you unsuccessful at achieving an undertaking? What strategy are you using? What are you focusing on? What are you paying or not paying attention to? What are your intentions? What do you experience in your body?

Please feel welcome to share your views, news, ideas and experiences!

Look forward to exciting and growth generating thought exchanges!

To Your Best

Mike Schwarzer

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