Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Possibility or Necessity! Making Things Happen or Letting Things Happen. What is Your Modus Operandi?

Over the years I have come across many managers and managers in training from a broad range of backgrounds and fields. In each group that I have worked with I have encountered two styles of performers.

The performers who make things happen and the performers who let things happen! And sometimes there is a third group, the performers who wonder what happened!

What is the difference between those who make it happen and those who let it happen?

One of the characteristics that I have observed in the first style, the performers who make things happen is that they tend to operate from a mindset of possibility and optimism. In other words they focus on what is possible or how they can make something possible.

Their mindset and focus is underpinned by questions like …

What do I want to create? Where am I heading?
In what way is this of value and meaningful?
What do I understand about this right now?
What do I know?
What do I need to know?
What will I gain from achieving this?
In what way will achieving this enhance my abilities?
How can I contribute?
What steps do I need to take?

Some further characteristics observed of this style of performer include …

They are highly self motivated.
They see life, work and challenges as an opportunity.
They think in terms of what they can gain and how they can grow.
They focus on outcomes, a result that they want to create.
They take ownership of the result that they want to create.
They are disciplined.
They are proactive in their actions. Actions which are oriented towards desired results.
They ask questions that open up possibilities and expand their horizon.
They are eager to learn.

The other style, the performers who let things happen tend to operate from a mindset of necessity and pessimism. They only take action if they absolutely have to and often to the rules of others.

Their mindset and focus is underpinned by questions and statements like …

Why do I have to this?
How much longer do I have to do this?
It’s too hard! It’s too difficult!
I can’t do it!
Why me?

Some further characteristics of this type of performer include…

They focus on problems and the things that they want to avoid
They think in terms of what they can’t do, don’t have or what they miss out on.
They lack self motivation.
They are reactive in their actions.
They ask questions that reinforce their current state and the problems at hand.

Which style do you fit into?

The question is which style of performer reflects you most and what results are you getting? What type of questions are you asking and what characteristics are you displaying in your work and studies?

Are you maximizing or limiting your abilities? Do you feel in control of your circumstances, actions and results or being controlled by others or by your circumstances? Are you enjoying challenges ahead that stretch your knowledge and capabilities or is it a drag?

Which style generates greater possibilities, pleasure and growth?

This is a question that only you can answer?

Perhaps you have experienced both styles at different times in different circumstances?! Which one is more useful? Which one gives you greater results and pleasure? Which one moves you forward?

When you do something really well … what do you notice about your mindset, your attitude, your behaviours and your focus? How would you describe the state of mind that you in? What would others observe about you and your performance?

Next time when you find yourself stuck in a situation, stop and step into the space that you are in when you perform and learn best.

Happy Performing

Mike Schwarzer

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